How can I help You?
Whether you’re starting from scratch or refreshing and refining, I create copy that is on target with your brand, your goals, and – most important – your audience. Here are a few of the copywriting services I offer. If you need something that’s not on the list, let’s talk. If I can’t do it, chances are good I’ll know someone who can.
Brand Story – Who are you? What do you stand for? Why do you matter?
Key Brand Messages – Messages that help you stand out and connect with your ideal clients.
Brand Voice Guidelines – How to powerfully and consistently tell your story across every channel and in every interaction.
Web content
About us
Service and product descriptions
Case studies
Speaker sheets
Lead magnets
Sales Pages
Opt-in pages
Email launch campaigns
Video concept/scripts
Copy Guide Workshops – A session to equip you and your staff with the ability to make the most of your your new marketing messages at every opportunity.
Communications Audit — Are your marketing efforts effective? Checking in (at least once a year, if not more often) is a smart strategy for tracking what’s working, what could use a little tweaking, and what needs a complete do over.